Monday, February 20, 2012

Visitors from back home

We are staying at Meridian RV Resort, and I must say the residents here are all very friendly.

Like most parks in this area, we are packed in pretty tight, but for some reason it just seems to work when everyone gets along.

There must be something special about this place, because time after time, we here folks tell us that once they got here, they did not want to go anywhere else.

Maybe it has something to do with the gorgeous pool.

I think this is the first pool we have seen with it's own waterfall.

The courtyard is kept meticulously clean, and is the site of organized get togethers.  The fountain is a nice touch.

We had a great surprise visit today. 

We knew Lorna and Lloyd were staying at a nearby park, and we were in contact by email over the past few weeks.

The funny part is, I had tried to email them just this morning, to see if we could get together today.  I even tried to phone them, but it seemed like they must have been away.

Imagine our surprise when we turned around, and saw them in our park, looking for us !

We had a great visit with these fine folks, and shared some good stories and touring tips.

Sadly, our visit ended too quickly, as they are leaving tomorrow and still had other errands to do.

They both w*rk for a living, and their fun time was coming to an end.

Safe travels, dear friends, and we will save you a place in the sun for when you can stay a little longer ... lol.

Shortly after our friends left, we got together with another couple here in the park for a nice visit before supper.

They are Canadian fulltimers, so I always pepper them with questions whenever we get together.  But, they always patiently answer all my questions with lots of smiles, so I don't think they mind too much.

Just another typical awesome day.


  1. Meeting new people, chatting and comparing notes and travel experiences always makes for some interesting conversations. Gotta love the lifestyle.

  2. Another great RV Park. I love the pool, not your usual square and of course I love fountains or waterfalls.
    Your looking good TnT.

  3. Can't stay at parks where you're packed in like sardines. Just not our thing. To me, there's nothing worse than opening you blind in the morning to stare at another RV parked 6 feet away. Nope, just can't do it.

  4. It was so great to visit with you even if it wasn't going to be for too long - the sun is certainly agreeing with both of you! Enjoy the rest of your tour. We are in Albuquerque tonight - chilly! but no snow yet!


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