Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Saying So Long to Bob and Janet

It sure was chilly when we got up this morning. Somewhere around the mid 30's I heard.  

After our usual morning of coffee in bed, Teresa got busy making a taco salad and a chocolate cream pie.

We were showered and ready for a happy hour in honor of our pals Bob and Janet.  They are heading out tomorrow morning.

Janet and Bob

Everyone brought some kind of appetizer, and everything tasted wonderful.

Usually our conversations are innocent enough, but today we had Teresa covering her ears a few times.

Pam, Marilyn and Betty

It was still chilly this afternoon, so sweaters and coats were in order.

Me and Ed

Although Marilyn's birthday was on Monday, we never had a chance to have a cake or sing for her. Teresa would have none of that !!

Marilyn with her chocolate cream pie
before the dream whip was added

Once the sun started to set, it got very cold, so we all helped clean up and headed for our homes.

Teresa enjoying the snacks and her favorite wine

With hugs we wished Bob and Janet safe travels.  We will see them in Yuma shortly, so it is not good bye, but see you later dear friends. 

1 comment:

  1. A nice departing Happy Hour, but the cooler weather is not a lot of fun.


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